
Yamhill Valley Vineyard's Mural video

This spring our friend John Stromme asked if we would like to do a video of the mural he and Eddie Johnson were painting at the Yamhill Valley Vineyard's tasting room.  A beautiful drive to a beautiful vineyard and winery.  We grabbed the camera the tripod and microphones.  We were there before lunch.

We filmed and interviewed John and Eddie.  We came back about a month later and filmed Denis Burger, Yamhill Valley Vineyard's owner.  Then the summer happened and some technical struggles with color.

Towards late summer, John and Eddie and another idea.  When the mural was finished they wanted to bring the wall to life.  Ariel Eberle, the assistant wine maker at the Yamhill Valley agreed to be painted into the mural.  We filmed her being painted and her emerging from the mural.

Back to the editing bay.  We did the best we could and finally the video of the mural was ready.

Over two hours of film for a 5 minute story.  I guess by industry standards that is pretty efficient.  Every story we work on, I get to learn something new.  Something new from those we are filming and something new technically about the production and editing process.

It makes for a challenging avocation.


  1. I always love to see the process behind the project, and this video does that perfectly. A really great job!

  2. The creative process is what interests us. Thank you commenting.
